So, what is it about snails?
For decades there has been popular lore that snail mucus (ugh!) is helpful to the skin.
Researchers decided to look at this topic. There have been a number of controlled trials of burn victims treated with extracts of snail mucus. Each of them shows that snail mucus helps to heel the skin. New skin grows faster with the snail mucus extract than with standard treatment.
Why would this be the case? Snail mucus has been shown to have multiple effects on skin components.
It stimulates the formation of collagen which is a key component of skin. As you get older you lose collagen, and the skin becomes grey and tired looking.
It also stimulates growth of elastin. This is a protein that gives elastic properties to the skin. This property of elastin gives the skin more resilience. It prevents skin from sagging.
Another property is that it is an antioxidant. Oxidative stress yields free radicals. These compounds are harmful to many tissues in the body. But they are especially harmful to the skin, causing damage to all components, leading to aging of the skin.
But most importantly the mucus from certain snails contains growth factors. These naturally produced molecules promote the formation of fibroblasts. Fibroblasts produce strands of fiber in the skin. The entire cellular matrix of the skin organizes on fibroblasts. As you get older, the fibroblasts get older. They are less effective at producing this matrix. The skin sags. It hollows out. It becomes older.
So, snail extract produced by certain snails has many properties. It produces collagen and elastin. It prevents damage by stopping the production of free radicals. It has growth factors that provide the architectural underpinnings of healthy skin.
For all these reasons it is useful in treating damaged skin. This is clinically proven, not only in burn victims. It is also helped people in Chernobyl who developed a form of skin damage called radiation dermatitis.
Why is this important to you?
Because at Vivesse Med Spa we have brought to Connecticut the Biopelle line of skin care products. The extract from a certain line of snails is used in these products. Thus, these products yield all the benefits described above.
In a clinical study these products produced a 78% decrease in the sallow appearance of the skin, a 46% reduction in deep wrinkles, and a 40% reduction in irregular pigmentation.
If these Biopelle products sound like they are right for you, if you are looking for skin care products that yield youthful skin, then you need to give us a call today. We are the only place in the Hartford area where you can buy these products. Our phone number is (860) 761-6666. Tell our staff that you want to purchase the Tensage products from Biopelle.